Schedule an Appointment with Kenilworth Medical Associates, SC
The phones are open Monday through Friday - 847-256-5505
Or submit request through email option below, you will be contacted.
You can request an appointment with nurse practitioner Lauren Detjen FNP-BC, physician assistant Scott Ahlstrom PA-C, or with Dr Detjen.
Saturday mornings are generally restricted to OIT up-dose appointments.
We understand your time is valuable - in order to expedite your visit, we ask you visit Patient Forms tab to complete and print documents to bring
The New/Annual Patient Registration form is completed and printed by New patients as well as annually by Existing patients
The New Patient Intake Questionnaire is completed and printed by New patients for first visit only
The Patient Forms tab includes HIPAA Privacy Practices and HIPAA authorization form to complete if requesting forms to schools/camps, etc
If your visit likely involves skin testing please see our list of antihistamines to avoid for 5 days prior to your appointment
In summary please bring the following to your visit
Completed New / Annual Patient Registration Form
If new patient, completed New Patient Intake Questionnaire
If new patient, medical records from your previous physician
Insurance card (bring to every visit)
Picture ID
List of medications
If asthma, bring inhaler and spacer for technique review
Don’t forget to stop antihistamines if skin testing is anticipated
To request specific appointment availability, please call the office at 847.256.5505. Our scheduling coordinator will review your information and schedule your appointment. Appointment requests are handled during business hours Monday thru Friday.